Tashi and his human Caryn live in Bellingham, Washington. Caryn is an active artist and retired art professor. Tashi is a golden doodle and active ball and frisbee retriever. Together, they are an animal therapy team. Pre-COVID they made weekly visits to their local hospice house, to be with patients, their families, and their loved ones, and to give the staff a little dog therapy time too. Tashi is the friendliest sort of dog, and everyone benefits from the exchange of affection and attention, including Tashi. During the quarantine, Caryn has been sending emails to Hospice House featuring Tashi’s life during the pandemic. Dogbloggery grew out of these emails, as a community project to engage kids (and adults) on many levels: to provide a platform to encourage kids’ reading and writing skills development, and as a place where everyone (including Tashi) can talk about and share their experiences at this very different time in all of our lives. If you’d like to contribute to the conversation, you can submit photos, drawings, and/or words under the Submit Your Story link on the upper right menu bar. After previewing for kid-appropriate content, we would be delighted to post your story.