A wise person once said that no matter what plans you make, they are always subject to reality. For example, it was my plan to go hiking and catch frisbees and play with my dog friends this spring, but I hurt my knee and now I’m spending a lot more time at the vet and at home. Caryn told me the best way to get better is to have a surgery called a T.P.L.O. All I know is the word surgery sounds B.A.D…..but Caryn promised that if I have surgery, I’ll be able to do most of the things I love again soon.

In the meantime we are trying to get some good things in before surgery. Like WOW! We went back to Hospice House!!! Because of the pandemic, we had to change things up a bit:

I got to see a bunch of my old friends

That’s one of my favorite peeps behind me, Erin. She practically runs the joint.

We got to visit people in rooms. I was so happy I even forgot I was wearing those silly socks, until I saw this photo

In the end, I’m really a simple fellow with simple needs. I love to work, which means seeing people and lifting their spirits, especially people who are sad. I love to play and snuggle with my peeps and my four-legged friends. A little of each of those activities, along with good food, a hike in the woods, and plenty of sleep, and I’m a happy pup.

My Trudy in her cowgirl boots is being extra sweet to me these days. She knows I can’t run after her to catch balls right now, so she snuggles up close

Dahlia, my closest four-legged buddy, continues to try to entertain me with her strange antics

Perhaps she’ll help me hide on surgery day

If they find me, don’t worry. I’ll keep writing (what else is there to do when you’re at home all day recuperating from knee surgery?) and let you know everything that’s happening. Meanwhile, stay safe, be well, and tell the ones you love that you love them