Dear Dr. Alex (Redux)

By |September 16th, 2021|Life|

Dear Dr Alex, Last week I wasn't feeling so hot. My back was feeling stiff, I was dragging my feet, I didn't want to get up. Even for dinner I wasn't so sure. Had I realized [...]


By |August 13th, 2021|Happiness, Life, Nature|

It's been a great couple of weeks. I've seen things and gone places I never have before. I always thought trees were big and grand (and I want you to know that I never pee on [...]


By |August 1st, 2021|Friends, Life, Memories|

Retriever by Barbara Crooker If "Heaven is a lovely lake of beer" as St Bridget wrote, then dog heaven must be this tub of kibble, where you can push your muzzle all day long without getting [...]

Who Do You Love?

By |July 15th, 2021|Friends, Home, Life|

Everybody's becoming chummy chummy around here. But it's work. Dahlia's trying to get used to Trudy's enthusiastic hugs. She knows it's because Trudy loves her, but she's not used to such excitement Dahlia's letting the kittens [...]

The Dog Days

By |July 8th, 2021|Home, Life, Nature|

Well hello! It's been a week, as they say. I'm a bit on the alert, because of the little creatures that have joined our lives They look pretty innocent sitting there, but let me tell you, [...]

Heat Wave

By |July 1st, 2021|Happiness, Home, Life|

Good Morning Caryn, I woke up around 3 a.m. and couldn't get back to sleep, so I checked my email and was delighted to see that in Tashi's recent post he's doing so well. In fact [...]


By |June 24th, 2021|Happiness, Home, Life, Nature|

Just in case you don't live here, this is the kind of town we live in: So whatever you do, don't mess with the elves, because they are well defended. We also have the best strawberries [...]

Sea Salt and Roses

By |June 17th, 2021|Life|

Now that I've got my walking papers, Caryn is taking me all around town, so we can walk, walk, and walk. Once I get my muscles toned up we can hit the hills and hiking trails [...]

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