Dear Dr Alex,
Last week I wasn’t feeling so hot. My back was feeling stiff, I was dragging my feet, I didn’t want to get up. Even for dinner I wasn’t so sure. Had I realized that Caryn was going to blow the whistle on me and take me to see Dr. Colleen, I would’ve been more hush-hush about it….Dr Colleen took X-rays and sent them to you. Oh boy, I should’ve known then that this meant trouble.
Stan and Q were really nice to me; they showed me around and we did a photo shoot. But now we are scheduled to see you next week.
I know I said I wanted to continue our bromance, but honestly, I feel much better this week….no, really I do! I just walked a marathon!
Ok, well, it was only two and a half miles, but it was over the hills and through the dales!
OK, ok, truth be known, the hills were small and the dales weren’t steep, but stilllll. I feel fine, really. REALLY!!! I’m happy to come lick your face, and shake your paw, but could we just keep it at that?
I promise to go back to that silly pool with the floor that moves. They call it physical therapy, I call it slightly embarrassing. Though I admit they do have good treats…
You realize that if I have surgery again, I’ll be bedridden with this little nutcase:
He pops up everywhere, when you least expect it
and he hasn’t even told Caryn his name yet. If you know it please let her in on the secret, will you?
Maybe I can sweeten the deal a little bit….Caryn and Marlin harvested honey yesterday. I could bring some along to our appointment, what do you think?
Look at the honey on that frame! They worked all afternoon, and got a little from each hive, leaving lots for the bees to eat this winter.
Marlin made cute labels but I wish he’d put my name on them too.
So what do you think, doc? A few more months roaming the hills before surgery? I promise to keep you on my dance card and come when it’s time ♥♥♥