Something went bloggo-wrong with the post publishing last night, so we are re-posting for your reading pleasure.
There’s been wind, and there’s been rain. And the ground looks like the sky – leaves, leaves, everywhere…the more to play with, I say! I guess that’s why they call it fall, because all the leaves fall to the ground…
Spending time in the woods every day, I’ve learned a thing or two. I wonder if you are up on what’s what out there. I thought we’d do I little guessing game (so I can show you what I learned!) Do you know your trees? Here’s a little multiple choiciness quiz:
This is a…
a. Douglas Fir, b. Western Red Cedar, or c. Western Hemlock
Here’s another hint, the bark looks like this:
Yesssss! You got it, it’s a Western Red Cedar! Flat needles, stringy bark. Which looks different from this:
Which is a…. a. very big tree, b. dog with a twig in his mouth from a very big tree, c. Douglas Fir tree, d. all of the above
You’re so smart, of course it’s all of the above! Did you notice how the needles on the fir tree aren’t flat, but go all the way around the stem? Did you know that the bark of a Doug Fir can be 14 inches thick??!! That’s longer than my nose, and I have a Very. Long. Nose.
You might think there’s an obsession with naming things here. But you know, if someone tells you to go out in the woods and get some bark from the cedar tree to weave a basket from, you better know your trees!
Now here’s a question for you. Why do they call it a fir tree when it doesn’t have fur? And what’s this about trees having bark? Have you ever heard a tree bark? No wonder I haven’t mastered English yet. I mean, check this out…
What are these called? a. catkins, b. puppykins, c. pushkins
In my book, they could be any of those, ’cause they sure don’t look like any cat I know. But they are called catkins, and they will turn into flowers next spring. How confusing is that? Uh Oh….I hope Dahlia doesn’t turn into a flower next spring. Except wait! A dahlia is a flower….this is hopelessly confusing. I’m going to have to watch her closely next spring.
OK. How about this one:
What kind of fern grows on a tree? a. maidenhair ferns, b. licorice ferns, c. sword ferns
Hint: yum
You got it again, it’s a licorice fern. And it does taste like licorice, if you can get up high enough to taste them
OK, here’s a bonus question:
What kind of tree is this:
Yes, it’s a Holly, which is native to the Pacific Northwest. Birds eat those bright red berries. I prefer wild blackberries and salmonberries myself.
Back home after our hikes in the woods, I do have a life you know. I am the studio assistant. It’s the kind of job you have to stay on the ball for
Unlike Dahlia (who spends her time in the studio looking out the window at birds), I take my job as studio assistant very seriously.
Dahlia told me she’s no slacker….She claims she’s the bath assistant, whatever that is…
On that bloggy note, I’ll bid you adieu. Stay well, and warm, and safe ♥